
Your physical transformation after bariatric surgery or other major weight loss can be exhilarating. But your greatest cause for celebration may be that your health is being restored. As you begin to engage in physical activities you previously thought impossible, you may find it difficult to move freely as pockets and fold of extra skin are common after major weight loss, 可能会妨碍你的活动范围. 在旧金山的凯撒医疗机构, 萨克拉门托, 以及整个北加州, body contouring after weight loss is performed to help women and men to put the finishing touches on their weight loss transformation and feel better in their own skin.

This webpage describes cosmetic procedures that your provider has determined are not reconstructive or medically indicated. For specific information about your covered health plan benefits, 请参阅您的投保证明 (EOC) or for Kaiser Permanente members, 请致电会员服务部1-800-464-4000.


用传统的整容手术重塑身体轮廓, 通常只有一个区域是整形的目标. 体重大幅下降, 然而, 评估整个身体是很重要的, 因为多余的皮肤会在腹部下垂和折叠, 乳房, 回来, 臀部, 臀部, 阴毛, 大腿, 武器, 和脸. One or a combination of procedures may be appropriate for your unique body.

你的手术可能包括 腹壁整形术,身体提升; 乳房缩小术, 乳房提升, thigh lift, buttock lift, removal of skin and fat from the 回来 and 臀部. An 手臂举起,和 整容 还可以推荐你完成改造吗. Together, you and your surgeon will determine what combination of procedures is right for your body. Depending on the procedures you choose, you may need to schedule multiple surgery dates.


身体提升可以去除多余的皮肤和脂肪组织, 收紧腹部肌肉, 重新勾勒躯干周围的皮肤轮廓. 它需要切口, whose number and placement depend on your size and shape and the amount of tissue to be removed. 它还需要插入导管和引流管, 在你的康复过程中进行特殊的监控. 你的住院时间可能会持续一天或多天.

 之前 & 后的照片


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在某些情况下, 你可能对多余的皮肤不满意, but the pockets or folds of extra skin might not be abnormal or might not impair any functions. 在这样的情况下, you may be a candidate for cosmetic procedures to help your skin fit your new shape. If your provider determines that the surgery is not medically indicated, then it is not a covered benefit and you will need to pay for the cost of the cosmetic surgery.

Those who have undergone major weight loss need to be treated with special care, especially since this weight loss often occurs in a relatively short period of time. The surgeons at Kaiser Permanente Cosmetic Services centers are experienced in not only your specific cosmetic procedure, but helping you through the many adjustments you’ll need to make after your surgery.



在您的咨询期间, 你需要告诉你的外科医生你的过敏情况, 以前的手术, 还有任何药物吗?, 维生素, 饮食补充剂, 以及你正在服用的处方药或其他药物. 你要做全面的身体检查和血液检查.

It’s important for you to be close to your target weight before your surgery. If you lose significant weight after your surgery, excess skin may be a recurring problem. 你的外科医生可以帮你决定手术的时机.

随着你手术日期的临近, 你会得到关于饮食的指导, 喝, 服药, 剃须, 和洗澡. 如果你吸烟, your surgeon may ask you to quit prior to surgery to help your healing process and reduce your risk of complications.


You may feel a certain amount of discomfort after you come out of anesthesia. 切口部位可能疼痛、淤青和肿胀. 你将有多种选择来帮助减轻疼痛.

The urinary catheter may be removed as soon as one day after your procedure. Your sutures will be removed in stages as your recovery progresses. You’ll be given compression garments to wear according to your surgeon’s instructions. It may take 2 to 3 months for swelling to decrease and your body’s new shape to be revealed. During your recovery, you may weigh more because of the swelling.

Your surgeon will tell you how to walk and move to protect your sutures and to help reduce your risk of blood clots, 尤其是你的腿. Your surgeon will also prescribe specific exercises, bathing procedures, sleeping positions.

You may be able to resume your normal physical activities within a week or two of surgery, 在8到12周内进行运动和高强度的体育活动. 最重要的是,你会被要求不要吸烟. Not smoking is crucial for a successful healing and recovery process.


没有手术是没有风险的. Your doctor will explain the risks and benefits of your proposed surgery and help you with your decision during your consultation.

一些风险包括血栓, 缝线周围皮肤下积液, 神经损伤, 感染, 治疗问题. 你的外科医生会和你讨论这些风险, 以及任何外科手术中固有的一般风险.

在拉皮手术中,疤痕可能会很广泛. Your surgeon will inform you how much scarring you are likely to have. 许多因素促成了深度, 宽度, 伤疤的颜色, so be sure to ask your surgeon what you can do to aid the healing process.

Visit the individual procedure pages to learn more about the risks associated with 腹壁整形术, 乳房缩小术, 乳房提升, 手臂举起, 整容.

我很感兴趣! 我的下一步是什么?

When you’re ready to learn more about body contouring procedures, 联系你当地的凯撒永久美容服务.

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